第134回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


遺伝・育種部門[Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding]

日付 ポスター発表
会場名 (学生ポスター賞の審査対象)
講演番号 P-199
発表題目 The Relationship between Soil Fungal Communities and Growth of Three Betula ermanii Populations in Five Planting Sites
The Relationship between Soil Fungal Communities and Growth of Three Betula ermanii Populations in Five Planting Sites
要旨本文 Global warming is predicted to reduce the resilience of forest ecosystems as plant species migrate northward and upward resulting in species range shifts. Both abiotic and biotic factors can influence migration and adaptation of plant species, but the roles of soil fungal communities have been poorly explored. Here, we investigated soil fungal communities for three Betula ermanii populations in five planting sites of different environments using DNA metabarcoding. Soil fungal communities varied significantly among sites and showed significant relationships with growth, leaf area, climate conditions, and soil properties. Smaller leaf area had a higher proportion of ectomycorrhizal taxa (e.g., Inocybaceae), while larger leaf area had a higher proportion of potentially plant pathogenic taxa (e.g., Nectriaceae). We will discuss the interaction between guild composition of soil fungi and B. ermanii phenotypes.
著者氏名 ○Aye Myat Myat Paing1 ・ Nobuhiyo Shigyo2 ・ Yoshihiko Tsumura3 ・ Toshiya Yoshida4 ・ Masahiro Takagi5 ・ Yoko Hisamoto1 ・ Susumu Goto1
著者所属 1Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo ・ 2Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute ・ 3Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba ・ 4Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University ・ 5Faculty of Agriculture, University of Miyazaki
キーワード Betula ermanii, DNA metabarcoding, Fungal community, Global warming, Provenance trials
Key word Betula ermanii, DNA metabarcoding, Fungal community, Global warming, Provenance trials