第135回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


S1. 大規模ダケカンバ産地試験林調査から見えてきた樹木の環境適応[Adaptation of trees to local environments revealed from a large-scale provenance trial of Betula ermanii]

日付 2024年3月8日
開始時刻 14:15
会場名 342
講演番号 S1-6
発表題目 Effects of elevated temperature on survival and growth of Betula ermanii revealed by range-wide provenance trial
Effects of elevated temperature on survival and growth of Betula ermanii revealed by range-wide provenance trial
所属 東京大学
要旨本文 Global warming poses a severe threat to cold-temperate and alpine ecosystems. Betula ermanii, found in the mountainous regions of Hokkaido, Honshu, and Shikoku in Japan, was the subject of this study. 11 range-wide provenance trials were conducted across Japan, incorporating 11 natural populations, including genetically unique southern edge and alpine populations. Models were constructed to evaluate survival and productivity under elevated temperatures with variations in annual precipitation, predicting the future potential of range edge and central populations under two climate scenarios. Results indicate heightened susceptibility in the alpine population, with the southern-edge population also experiencing a significant decline compared to normative populations. The study underscores the urgent need for targeted conservation strategies for at-risk edge populations, offering valuable insights for resilient forest management and conservation of vulnerable populations.
著者氏名 ○Aye Myat Myat, Paing1 ・ Chen, Shufen1 ・ Araki, Kyoko2 ・ Aihara, Takaki3 ・ Hirota, Mitsuru4 ・ Tsumura, Yoshihiko4 ・ Tomaru, Nobuhiko5 ・ Homma, Kousuke6 ・ Yoshida, Toshiya7 ・ Kobayashi, Hajime8 ・ Iio, Atsuhiro9 ・ Nagamatsu, Dai10 ・ Takagi, Masahiro11 ・ Hisamoto, Yoko1 ・ Taneda, Haruhiko12 ・ Goto, Susumu1
著者所属 1The University of Tokyo ・ 2University of Tsukuba ・ 3University of Tsukuba ・ 4University of Tsukuba ・ 5Nagoya University ・ 6Niigata University ・ 7Hokkaido University ・ 8Shinshu University ・ 9Shizuoka University ・ 10Tottori University ・ 11University of Miyazaki ・ 12The University of Tokyo
キーワード Climate change, cold-temperate species, Transplant experiment
Key word Climate change, cold-temperate species, Transplant experiment