第136回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


風致・観光部門[Landscape Management and Tourism]

日付 2025年3月22日
開始時刻 9:00
会場名 S11
講演番号 B-1
発表題目 Integrated Assessment of Protected Areas in Myanmar after COVID-19 and 3-year political conflict
Integrated Assessment of Protected Areas in Myanmar after COVID-19 and 3-year political conflict
所属 Kyoto University of Advanced Science
要旨本文 This research aims to conduct an in-depth assessment of the status of protected areas in Myanmar, focusing on the concurrent challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the three-year political coup. Employing a multi-dimensional approach, the study will integrate remote assessment techniques and media analysis to provide a comprehensive understanding of the environmental, social, and political dynamics affecting these critical conservation zones. According to our findings, we observed several protected areas were illegally encroached and patches of deforestation. Also, the forest degradation in protected areas were confirmed with key informants interview and media analysis. Our findings will contribute to the future biodiversity conservation and protected area management in Myanmar and in other parts of the world where similar external factors were prevailed.
著者氏名 ○Nyein, Chan1 ・ Tun Tun, Thein2 ・ Phone Pyae, Tun2 ・ Hla, Naing3 ・ Naw May Lay Thant3 ・ La Minn, Ko Ko4 ・ Su Mon, Myint3
著者所属 1Department of Bioenvironmental Design, Kyoto University of Advanced Science ・ 2Applied GIS Service Myanmar, Applied GIS Service Myanmar ・ 3Frerelance researcher, Myanmar, Frerelance researcher, Myanmar ・ 4Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University
キーワード Biodiversity conservation, Political instability, COVID-19, Remote sensing, Media analysis
Key word Biodiversity conservation, Political instability, COVID-19, Remote sensing, Media analysis