第136回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


風致・観光部門[Landscape Management and Tourism]

日付 2025年3月22日
開始時刻 15:00
会場名 S11
講演番号 B-13
発表題目 Kominka as a driver of Satoyama forest management: Potential citizen-participated research and actions
Kominka as a driver of Satoyama forest management: Potential citizen-participated research and actions
所属 神戸大学
要旨本文 Kominka serves as a nexus of public space, urban-rural interlinkage, and citizen-participated research and actions. This study highlights the diverse actors and aspects shaping the embodied spaces of Kominka in different contexts. It emphasizes the gradations of expertise among participants, from experts to non-expert citizens and visitors, who can contribute varying knowledge and skills to landscape and forest management and other activities. Even within a single individual, expertise can vary depending on context. These nuances underline the complex interplay of skills and experiences in socio-ecological systems. This presentation explores relevant concepts and frameworks related to Kominka such as the living lab concept, proposing potential citizen-participated research and action topics for managing and monitoring Satoyama forests, emphasizing their socio-ecological characteristics and sustainability.
著者氏名 ○Yuta Uchiyama1 ・ Christmas Uchiyama2,1
著者所属 1Kobe University ・ 2Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
キーワード Traditional house, Satoyama, Citizen science, Local knowledge, Socio-ecological resource
Key word Traditional house, Satoyama, Citizen science, Local knowledge, Socio-ecological resource