第136回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


経営部門[Forest Management]

日付 2025年3月21日
開始時刻 10:00
会場名 S32
講演番号 D-5
発表題目 Sensitivity analysis of a growth simulation model for Dipterocarp plantation in Malaysia
Sensitivity analysis of a growth simulation model for Dipterocarp plantation in Malaysia
所属 国際農林水産業研究センター
要旨本文 Simulating planting activity through a vegetation model can be highly beneficial, though it presents significant challenges. In the Chikus Forest Reserve, Malaysia, Acacia mangium trees were cut down to plant Dipterocarpaceae species, including Neobalanocarpus heimii, in varying row numbers (1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 rows). We previously modified the SEIB-DGVM model to simulate these planting patterns, incorporating species-specific parameters such as tree architecture morphology, wood density, physiological leaf traits, and initial mortality based on light requirements. In this study, we conducted an extensive sensitivity analysis to further enhance the performance of the modified SEIB-SGVM model for simulating planting activities. This calibrated and improved model will aid in better understanding of the impact of these planting patterns.
著者氏名 ○Mandal, Mohammad Shamim Hasan1 ・ Suwa, Rempei1 ・ Tanaka, Kenzo1 ・ Noguchi, Shoji1 ・ Otani, Tatsuya2 ・ Hoshino, Daisuke2 ・ Nur Hajar, Zamah Shari3
著者所属 1Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences ・ 2Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute ・ 3Forest Research Institute Malaysia
キーワード SEIB-DGVM, Forest management, Silviculture
Key word SEIB-DGVM, Forest management, Silviculture