第136回日本森林学会大会 発表検索



開始時刻 ポスター発表
講演番号 GP-08
発表題目 Occupational Safety, Health, and Financial Feasibility of Motorcycle Taxis for Log Transportation in Remote Areas: A Comprehensive Review
所属 IPB University
要旨本文 Modified motorcycles are often the preferred choice for log transportation in remote areas. This practice remains prevalent, underscoring the need for a comprehensive study on ergonomics, occupational safety, and economic feasibility. The study shows motorcyclists are exposed to hand-arm vibration, whole-body vibration, and noise levels that exceed the allowable thresholds. RULA and REBA analysis indicate that almost all work postures pose a very high ergonomic risk, necessitating immediate corrective action. Biomechanical analysis proves that in most postures, the motorcyclist experienced high compression force on the L5-S1 (>3.4 kN). The SNQ body map analysis confirmed similar tendency. Interviews indicate that drivers experience minor accidents 2-5 times a month, suggesting that they experience 2-3 serious accidents a year. These incidents cost 77% of the total income.
著者氏名 Efi Yuliati Yovi, Gunawan Santosa
著者所属 IPB University
Key word forest utilization, compression force, forest workers, noise, transport technique