第136回日本森林学会大会 発表検索
動物・昆虫部門[Forest Zoology and Entomology]
日付 | 2025年3月22日 |
開始時刻 | 11:15 |
会場名 | S22 |
講演番号 | L-8 |
発表題目 | チョウセンゴヨウにおける樹幹注入農薬の残留とリスク評価 Pesticide residues and risk assessment of trunk-injected pesticides in Pinus koraiensis |
所属 | 国立山林科学院 |
要旨本文 | This study evaluated the persistence, distribution, and efficacy of trunk-injected pesticides in Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) to control pinewood nematodes (PWNs), the causative agent of pine wilt disease (PWD), and assessed pesticide residues in pine nuts. Over 18 months, residues of abamectin and emamectin benzoate in branches declined significantly. Spatial residue differences were minimal, with slight reductions in the upper canopy. Treated trees showed no PWN symptoms, indicating effective disease prevention for two years. LC-MS/MS analysis of pine nuts revealed no detectable residues of abamectin or emamectin benzoate, while acetamiprid and sulfoxaflor levels were below maximum residue limits (MRLs). Risk assessments confirmed negligible health risks to consumers, supporting the safety and efficacy of the pesticides. |
著者氏名 | ○KIM, Junheon |
著者所属 | 国立山林科学院山林病害虫研究科 |
キーワード | アバメクチン, エマメクチン安息香酸塩, マツザイセンチュウ, 松枯れ |
Key word | Abamectin, Emamectin benzoate, Pinw Wood Nematode, Pine Wilt Disease |