第136回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


経営部門[Forest Management]

日付 2025年3月22日
開始時刻 ポスター発表
会場名 学術交流会館(ロビー)
講演番号 PD-35 (学生ポスター賞審査対象)
発表題目 Monitoring Autumn Phenology of Individual Tree Crowns by Comparing Ground-Based and Remote Sensing Observations
Monitoring Autumn Phenology of Individual Tree Crowns by Comparing Ground-Based and Remote Sensing Observations
所属 The University of Tokyo
要旨本文 Autumn leaf phenology marks the end of the growing season and varies spatially within tree crowns. Traditional ground-based monitoring is constrained by the demands of time and labor. While remote sensing provides a promising alternative, its effectiveness has been hindered by resolution limitations. This study investigates the potential of remote sensing for monitoring individual tree crown autumn phenology at the Arboretum of the University of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest. Ground-based observations were compared with data from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and PlanetScope satellite. Regression analysis of vegetation index (VI) at the individual crown level revealed a strong correlation between UAV and PlanetScope imagery. Additionally, the estimated end of autumn derived from PlanetScope VI time series closely aligned with ground-based leaf coloration observations. These results underscore the effectiveness of PlanetScope imagery for monitoring autumn phenology at the tree crown level.
著者氏名 ○Kankong, Piyapon1 ・ Owari, Toshiaki2 ・ Tsuyuki, Satoshi1 ・ Hiroshima, Takuya1 ・ Htun, Nyo Me2
著者所属 1The University of Tokyo ・ 2The University of Tokyo
キーワード Leaf Phenology, PlanetScope Satellite, Remote Sensing, UAV Imagery
Key word Leaf Phenology, PlanetScope Satellite, Remote Sensing, UAV Imagery