第136回日本森林学会大会 発表検索



日付 2025年3月21日
開始時刻 ポスター発表
会場名 学術交流会館(第一会議室)
講演番号 PE-10
発表題目 Effectiveness of long rooted container seedlings designed for restoration of tropical dry forest in Kenya
Effectiveness of long rooted container seedlings designed for restoration of tropical dry forest in Kenya
所属 国際緑化推進センター(JIFPRO)
要旨本文 To examine the effectiveness of long rooted seedlings (LRSs) for the dryland plantation, we raised seedlings of three indigenous dry forest species in Kenya (Vachellia tortilis, Dalbergia melanoxylon, Melia volkensii) in M-StAR containers with different depths (15, 30 and 60 cm depth) and compared the growth traits and field performance. Seedlings in deeper containers showed statistically greater growth both in shoot and root biomass at the end of nursery stage for all species. Seedlings of D. melanoxylon and M. volkensii raised in the deepest containers maintained the highest survival rate (>70 %) until the end of first drought season, even though they were planted at the beginning of drought season and were watered only once at outplanting. These results suggest that the LRSs could be a useful technique for dryland restoration.
著者氏名 ○KAZUKI SHIBASAKI1 ・ Hiroshi Tanaka1 ・ Valentor Okul2 ・ James Ndufa2
著者所属 1Japan International Forestry Promotion and Cooperation Center ・ 2Kenyan Forest Reserch Institute (KEFRI)
キーワード Long rooted seedling, Field performance, Dryland restoration, M-StAR container, Tropical dry forest species
Key word Long rooted seedling, Field performance, Dryland restoration, M-StAR container, Tropical dry forest species