第136回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


遺伝・育種部門[Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding]

開始時刻 ポスター発表
講演番号 PF-10 (学生ポスター賞審査対象)
発表題目 “Intra-specific variation of wood property in Red Meranti and an attempt to study their genome-wide association"
“Intra-specific variation of wood property in Red Meranti and an attempt to study their genome-wide association"
所属 University of Tsukuba
要旨本文 Rubroshorea macrophylla, commonly known as red meranti, holds significant commercial importance. To better understand the genetic mechanisms underlying key phenotypes, we conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on diameter at breast height (DBH), total tree height (H), wood density (WD), and pilodyn penetration (PP).The study utilized spatial analyses to standardize heterogeneous data from 18.037 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We collected 349 individual trees from half-sib progeny trial trees at PT-SBK in Central Kalimantan. We detected linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay up to 2427 base pairs, and genomics heritability values are 0.268, 0.273, 0.225, and 0.246 for DBH, H, PP, and WD, respectively.GWAS for DBH and H detected 3 SNPs, six and one SNPs for pilodyn penetration and wood density, based on LOD scores above three as thresholds.
著者氏名 ○Marya Tiara Hapsari1 ・ Hisashi Abe2 ・ Miho Kojima2 ・ Katsushi Kuroda2 ・ Widiyatno Widiyatno3 ・ Muhammad Nai'em3 ・ Sapto Indrioko3 ・ Susilo Purnomo4 ・ Haruto Akutsu1 ・ Kiyosada Kawai5 ・ Naoki Tani1,5
著者所属 1University of Tsukuba ・ 2Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute ・ 3Universitas Gadjah Mada ・ 4PT. Sari Bumi Kusuma ・ 5Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
キーワード Wood property, Red meranti, GWAS, Intra-specific, Variation
Key word Wood property, Red meranti, GWAS, Intra-specific, Variation