第136回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


遺伝・育種部門[Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding]

日付 2025年3月21日
開始時刻 ポスター発表
会場名 学術交流会館(第一会議室)
講演番号 PF-12 (学生ポスター賞審査対象)
発表題目 Genome-wide association study of leaf and growth traits in teak progeny trial in Ngawi, Indonesia
Genome-wide association study of leaf and growth traits in teak progeny trial in Ngawi, Indonesia
所属 筑波大学
要旨本文 Teak is one of the important tropical timber that is grown, traded worldwide. Future climate challenges teak plantation to find a new strategy to identify climate resilience individual yet still maintain their growth performance. Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) able to identify markers that is associated with certain traits, such as growth for production and physiological process in plants that is reflected in leaf traits. We extract 8317 markers in sequences obtained from 753 individuals. Using 3.0 LOD score threshold we can elucidate a few markers that are associated with growth and leaf traits. For growth trait we found two markers for diameter and height, one marker for Crown Area. We found respectively for 3 marker each for Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Mass Area, and single marker for Leaf Density, Pleaf content, Nleaf content, Cleaf content.
著者氏名 ○Alnus Meinata1,3 ・ Wdiyatno3 ・ Muhammad Na'iem3 ・ Sapto Indrioko3 ・ Eny Faridah3 ・ Aris Wibowo4 ・ Novita Dian Sari4 ・ Tanaka Kenzou2 ・ Kiyosada Kawai2 ・ Naoki Tani2
著者所属 1Graduate School of Science andTechnology, University of Tsukuba ・ 2Forest Division, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences ・ 3Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada ・ 4Perhutani Forestry Institute
キーワード teak, gwas, breeding, leaf-traits, indonesia
Key word teak, gwas, breeding, leaf-traits, indonesia