第136回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


植物生態部門[Forest Ecology]

日付 2025年3月21日
開始時刻 ポスター発表
会場名 学術交流会館(ロビー)
講演番号 PH-1 (学生ポスター賞審査対象)
発表題目 Using Sentinel-2 to track seasonal changes in leaf area index in a deciduous forest
Using Sentinel-2 to track seasonal changes in leaf area index in a deciduous forest
所属 静岡大学
要旨本文 The Leaf Area Index (LAI) is a crucial parameter for assessing the health and productivity of forest ecosystems, especially in temperate forests where it exhibits considerable temporal variability throughout the growing season. This study aims to investigate the potential of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery for monitoring seasonal variation in LAI within a typical cool temperate deciduous forest. Reported and newly developed vegetation indices from Sentinel-2 data were examined to capture the seasonal dynamics of LAI, which were evaluated by comparing them with in situ LAI measurements obtained by digital hemispheric photography (DHP). The results indicate the newly developed SR index, composed of B12 and B7 bands, can track the annual and seasonal variations of LAI. However, challenges remain, especially during leaf maturity periods with high LAI when the index shows saturation. This study demonstrated the potential of Sentinel-2 data to track temporal changes in LAI.
著者氏名 ○XUANWEN WANG ・ Yi Gan ・ Iio Atsuhiro ・ Quan Wang
著者所属 Agriculture, Shizuoka University
キーワード Sentinel-2, seasonal changes, LAI, deciduous forest, DHP
Key word Sentinel-2, seasonal changes, LAI, deciduous forest, DHP