第136回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


植物生態部門[Forest Ecology]

日付 2025年3月21日
開始時刻 ポスター発表
会場名 学術交流会館(ロビー)
講演番号 PH-8 (学生ポスター賞審査対象)
発表題目 Carbon allocation responses of Quercus variabilis seedlings to extreme summer climate manipulation
Carbon allocation responses of Quercus variabilis seedlings to extreme summer climate manipulation
所属 Kangwon National University
要旨本文 This study examined the effects of extreme summer climate on the carbon allocation of one-year-old Quercus variabilis seedlings. Open-field experiments were conducted with three temperature levels (ambient: TC, ambient + 3 ℃: T3, ambient + 5 ℃: T5) and two precipitation levels (ambient: PC, drought: DR) in Korea. Environmental factors (leaf temperature and soil water content) and growth (relative growth rate of height: RGH and root-to-shoot ratio: R/S ratio) were measured, and their correlations were analyzed. In DR, RGH was negatively correlated with leaf temperature (R=-0.36, p=0.011), while in PC, RGH showed a positive trend with increasing leaf temperature (R=0.26, p=0.066). No significant correlations were observed in the R/S ratio among treatments. These results suggest that warming in drought conditions negatively affects height growth, while biomass allocation between aboveground and belowground may show similar patterns under short-term extreme climate.
著者氏名 ○Se Hee Lee1 ・ Ji Won Jang1 ・ Seung Hyun Han2 ・ Heejae Jo3 ・ Gwang Jung Kim3,4 ・ Yowhan Son3 ・ Nam Jin Noh5
著者所属 1Department of Forestry and Environmental Systems, Kangwon National University ・ 2Forest Technology and Management Research Center, National Institue of Forest Science ・ 3Department of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University ・ 4Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences ・ 5Division of Forest Science, Kangwon National University
キーワード climate change, cork oak, drought, open-field, warming
Key word climate change, cork oak, drought, open-field, warming