第136回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


T4. 樹木根の成長と機能[Development and function of tree roots]

日付 2025年3月21日
開始時刻 ポスター発表
会場名 学術交流会館(ロビー)
講演番号 PT4-8 (学生ポスター賞審査対象)
発表題目 Effect of biochar and organic fertilizer on root development of Zelkova serrata seedlings in compacted soils
Effect of biochar and organic fertilizer on root development of Zelkova serrata seedlings in compacted soils
所属 Kangwon National University
要旨本文 This study investigated the effect of soil ameliorants on the root development of two-year-old Zelkova serrata under compacted soil conditions. Pot experiments included four treatments: control (compaction), ameliorant 1 (compaction + biochar), ameliorant 2 (compaction + organic fertilizer) and uncompacted soil. Soil physicochemical properties (bulk density, porosity, permeability, pH, total carbon, nitrogen) and root morphological traits (length, surface area, volume, root tissue density) were analyzed. While the soil ameliorants significantly improved soil properties, they did not affect the root traits. Coarse roots (>2mm) showed no significant correlations with soil properties. In contrast, fine roots (≤2mm) traits were positively correlated with soil permeability, suggesting that improved soil structure may enhance fine root development.
著者氏名 ○Min Woo Park1 ・ Se Hee Lee1 ・ Kyuhong Song1 ・ Hanna Chang2 ・ Suk Woo Kim3 ・ Nam Jin Noh3
著者所属 1Department of Forestry and Environmental Systems, Kangwon National University ・ 2Livable Urban Forests Research Center, National Institute of Forest Science, Republic of Korea ・ 3Division of Forest Science, Kangwon National University
キーワード amendment, fine root, morphology, organic fertilizer, Japanese zelkova
Key word amendment, fine root, morphology, organic fertilizer, Japanese zelkova