Journal of Forest Research Vol.30 No.1(2025年2月)

種類: 招待総説/Invited Review

Title: Photorespiratory metabolism differs between gymnosperm conifers and angiosperms

巻頁: J For Res 30 (1): 1-10

題名: 光呼吸代謝は裸子植物である針葉樹と被子植物とで異なる

著者: 宮澤真一,西口満,伊原徳子,小野田雄介

所属: 森林研究・整備機構 森林総合研究所 樹木分子遺伝研究領域

抄録: CO2固定酵素であるルビスコは大気中の酸素と反応する性質があり,酸素と反応すると光呼吸という代謝が誘導される.光呼吸は代謝過程でCO2を発生するため,植物の純CO2固定量を低下させるのに対し,ATPや還元力などのエネルギーを消費することで有害な活性酸素種の生成を防ぐ,電子シンクとしての機能が知られている.広葉樹や草本植物などの被子植物では,光呼吸の代謝過程でCO2だけではなくアンモニアも発生し,アンモニアは葉緑体局在型グルタミン合成酵素(GS2)によって同化される.一方,裸子植物である針葉樹の葉にはGS2は存在せず,細胞質型のグルタミン合成酵素のひとつであるGS1aが代替していることが分かってきている.さらに,最近の研究から,光呼吸に関与するペルオキシソーム局在型カタラーゼ(CAT)の活性は針葉樹であるスギの葉で著しく低いことが明らかになってきた.このようなペルオキソームにおけるCAT活性の低さは,光呼吸の電子シンクとしての機能を弱め,光呼吸で発生するCO2量も増加させることが示唆されている.これらの結果は,グルタミン合成酵素やCATなど光呼吸に関与する酵素の細胞内での局在性が,植物の光呼吸の進化に重要な役割を果たしてきたことを意味している.また,針葉樹は被子植物にはないFlavodiironという酸素を水分子に変換する酵素を有し,Flavodiironは電子シンクとして機能している可能性が示されている.さらに,葉の炭素安定同位体分別(Δ13C)のグローバルデータセットの解析により,針葉樹のΔ13 C値は被子植物に比べて顕著な差があることも明らかになってきた.これらの知見は,これまで被子植物と裸子植物に関わらず共通と考えられてきた光呼吸を大きく見直す必要があることを意味する.



種類: 総説/Socioeconomics, Planning, and Management

Title: A bibliometric analysis of timber supply chain research

巻頁: J For Res 30 (1): 11-21

題名: 木材サプライチェーンに関する研究に対する計量書誌学的分析

著者: Jiunn-Cheng Lin, Wei-Hsun Chan, Meng-Shan Wu

所属: Chief Secretary Office, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Taipei, Taiwan

抄録: In recent years, the forestry industry has faced major challenges in the effective management of forest resources, improving economic performance, and reducing environmental impacts. To help researchers interested in the field of timber supply chain research better understand the global research situation, this study used bibliometric analysis to analyze 916 academic papers on timber supply chains in the Scopus journal database, covering the period from 2000 to 2020. The study revealed the publication trends, prolific and influential journals, countries, and authors of timber supply chain topics, as well as the development and potential research trends of timber supply chain research. The results show that research on timber supply chains is receiving increasing attention. From the perspective of research types, it can be roughly divided into traditional forest product supply chains, biomass supply chains, sustainable supply chains, and others types. In the early days, the main research direction was traditional forest product supply. In recent years, with the rise of the issue of greenhouse gas reduction, biomass energy has become increasingly important. Recent research has focused on sustainable supply chains, emphasizing the importance of balancing environmental, social, and economic factors. In terms of sustainable supply chains, current research mainly uses global data to prove the impact of international demand on deforestation. Future research is expected to focus on strategies such as improving the transparency of global supply chains, improving buyer consumption patterns, and exerting market pressure on producers to maintain the sustainability of these regional supply chains.



種類: 原著論文/Socioeconomics, Planning, and Management

Title: An appropriate combination of a thinning schedule and subsidies to realize sustainable Makino bamboo forest management

巻頁: J For Res 30 (1): 22-34

題名: タイワンマダケの持続可能な森林経営を実現するための間伐スケジュールと補助金の適切な組み合わせ

著者: Ying-Ta Chen, Pei-Jung Wang, Chen-Kuang Cheng, Ching-Ter Chang

所属: Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, National Ilan University, Yilan, Taiwan, ROC

抄録: This study addresses the relationship between subsidies and thinning operations in Makino bamboo forests, with implications for sustainable timber production management. Focusing on indigenous lands in Taoyuan, North Taiwan, where 85% of bamboo is cultivated, with a 70% coverage constraint, and the government provides an annual subsidy of NT$30,000 per hectare. Three scenarios, minimizing subsidies, thinning rates, and maximizing profits, are analyzed using linear and multi-choice goal program techniques. Results indicate that a company with 5 laborers can clear-cut 15,000 culms/ha in 22 days, yielding a profit of NT$101,150. Without subsidies, a minimum 34% thinning rate ensures financial viability. Sensitivity analysis reveals that NT$29,345 in subsidies with a 70% thinning rate matches clear-cutting profits, validating the effectiveness of the existing NT$30,000 compensation policy. Recommendations propose a two-phase thinning program for sustainable Makino bamboo forest management. The first phase involves a 70–75% thinning rate in the first year, leaving one-year-old bamboo. The second phase, starting from the fourth year, harvests 3 and 4-year-old bamboo every two years, covering 50% of the bamboo forest. This phased approach, covering 24 hectares, establishes a win-win situation for the Forest Bureau and bamboo forest managers.



種類: 原著論文/Forest Environment

Title:  Rainfall interception in temperate evergreen broadleaved forest and Japanese cypress plantation with abundant lower-layer vegetation in south-west Japan

巻頁: J For Res 30 (1): 35-41

題名: 南西日本の下層植生の発達した暖温帯常緑広葉樹林とヒノキ林の降水遮断

著者: 髙木正博,篠原慶規

所属: 宮崎大学農学部

抄録: 針葉樹人工林の降水遮断に関する研究例は多いが,日本の森林の約半分を占める広葉樹林のそれは数が限られている.そこで本研究は,天然性暖温帯常緑広葉樹二次林とヒノキ人工林の降水遮断量を明らかにするために,各階層ごとの林内雨と樹幹流を3年間計測した.両林分共に約100年生でありまた発達した下層植生を有していた.その結果,両林分共に約4分の1の降水が遮断されていた.ヒノキ人工林ではその半分が広葉樹からなる発達した下層植生によってもたらされていた.すなわちヒノキ高木層(=ヒノキ植栽木)のみに起因する降水遮断量は,常緑広葉樹林の降水遮断量の半分であった.常緑広葉樹林においても発達した下層植生によって効率よく降水が遮断されていた.本研究の結果は,水資源管理の観点からすると,下層植生の発達した暖温帯常緑広葉樹林とヒノキ林は共に,土壌へ浸透する降水量を減少させることを示唆している.



種類: 原著論文/Silviculture and Plant Sciences

Title: Effects of fire on tree species composition and carbon stocks of a peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

巻頁: J For Res 30 (1): 42-48

題名: インドネシア中央カリマンタン州の泥炭湿地林における樹種組成と炭素蓄積量に及ぼす火災の影響

著者: Laode Alhamd, Siti Sundari, Francis Q. Brearley, Joeni Setijo Rahajoe

所属: Research Center for Ecology and Ethnobiology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jalan Raya Jakarta Bogor Km. 46, Cibinong, Indonesia

抄録: Peat swamp forests are important in the global carbon (C) budget because of the huge amount of C stored in these ecosystems, particularly in below-ground components. Indonesia has some of the greatest extent of peat swamp forests globally, yet many of them are being disturbed by fires that are becoming increasingly frequent. In Kalampangan, Central Kalimantan, the tree species (≥4.8 cm diameter) composition, aboveground biomass (AGB) and litter standing crop of peat swamp forests were sampled, and the overall ecosystem C stock estimated, within two 1-ha sampling plots, one of which was undisturbed (natural) and the other previously burned. The AGB and litter standing crop found in the natural forest totaled 341 and 6.77 Mg ha−1, respectively. The AGB declined more than six-fold to 53.2 Mg ha−1, and the litter standing crop declined by about half to 3.30 Mg ha−1 in the disturbed forest; the total number of tree species declined from 114 to 80 per hectare. The disturbed peat swamp lost just over 200 Mg C ha−1 to the atmosphere due to the combustion of tree biomass and the upper layer of the peat, but C stocks still remained very high overall (c. 1100 Mg ha−1) due to the thick layer of peat (>2 m) making peat swamp forest conservation imperative due to their huge carbon stocks.



種類: 原著論文/Silviculture and Plant Sciences

Title: Provenance and pretreatment effect on seed germination of twenty-six provenances of Xanthoceras sorbifolium

巻頁: J For Res 30 (1): 49-56

題名: Xanthoceras sorbifoliumの26産地の種子発芽に及ぼす産地と前処理の影響

著者: Yingying Yang, Xiaojuan Liu, Ziquan Zhao, Huihui Xu, Guanghui Fu, Quanxin Bi, Libing Wang

所属: State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding, Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, China

抄録: Due to the long dormancy period and hard seed coat, the natural germination percentage of yellowhorn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium) seeds is low, which seriously hinders the large-scale cultivation of the yellowhorn. In this study, the seeds of 26 provenances with different climatic and geographical conditions were collected and the seed germination was tested, which was conducted to determine the effects of seed pretreatment methods on the germination of yellowhorn. This study showed that the germination percentage (GP), mean germination time (MGT) and germination index (GI) of 26 provenances of yellowhorn seeds in different pretreatment methods were highly significant (p < 0.01). The sand storage + clean water and sand storage + PEG almost significantly promote the GP and GI, and reduce the MGT of all provenances, while the pretreatments of warm water and cold water have almost no promoting effect on the GP and GI. In addition, this study indicates that provenances are as important as pretreatments in germination ability. Correlation between germination ability and geo-climatic data of provenances showed that low temperature can improve seed germination ability. This study showed that the seed germination ability of yellowhorn can be improved by using combined pretreatments for provenances with genetically low germination potential.



種類: 原著論文/Silviculture and Plant Sciences

Title: Intensive silvicultural practices enhance the performance of forest species in restoration plantations

巻頁: J For Res 30 (1): 57-65

題名: 徹底的な雑草の防除は復元造林地における樹木の生産性を向上させる

著者: Felipe Turchetto, Maristela Machado Araujo, Adriana Maria Griebeler, Paulo Ademar Avelar Ferreira, Álvaro Luis Pasquetti Berghetti, Suelen Carpenedo Aimi, Claudia Costella

所属: Felipe Turchetto, Maristela Machado Araujo, Adriana Maria Griebeler, Paulo Ademar Avelar Ferreira, Álvaro Luis Pasquetti Berghetti, Suelen Carpenedo Aimi & Claudia Costella

抄録: Establishing native forest tree species in degraded areas is a considerable challenge for forestry. Adverse ecological filters can compromise the sustainability of ecosystems undergoing restoration. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to verify the effects of three silvicultural practices on the allocation of aboveground biomass, nutrient content, and control of invasive plants in a mixed plantation of native forest species in the extreme south of the Atlantic Forest Biome. The experiment was conducted in an area belonging to the Quarta Colônia State Park. It was conducted in a randomized block design with four replications. The treatments consisted of three silvicultural practices (intensive silviculture, conventional silviculture, and low-input silviculture). At 36 months after planting, assessments of the biomass allocation of tree species, weed biomass, and nutrient content in the leaf tissue were conducted. The greater input of nutrients and the use of glyphosate to control weeds in the initial periods after planting led to higher biomass values for all the species studied. However, the use of silvicultural practices with low intervention levels has increased the number of invasive plants. We also verified that native forest species had higher levels of nutrients, that is, mainly N and K, in plots managed with intensive silviculture compared with other silvicultural practices.



種類: 原著論文/Forest Health

Title: Light conditions have a greater impact on leaf quality as food for emperor moth (Saturnia japonica) larvae than tree size

巻頁: J For Res 30 (1): 66-72

題名: 光環境は樹木サイズよりも大きな影響をクスサン幼虫の餌としての葉質に与えている

著者: 松木佐和子,中村日香,大野泰之,真坂一彦

所属: 岩手大学農学部

抄録: クスサンの大発生は2006年から北海道の落葉広葉樹林で断続的に続いている.ウダイカンバの葉は個体によって食われ方が異なるが,樹木の個体発生的な防御能力に何が影響しているのかは明らかにされていない.本研究では,クスサンの初齢幼虫に稚樹から成木まで32個体のウダイカンバから採取された葉を与えて飼育し,その体重を比較した.また,幼虫の成長に影響を与えている因子を特定するために,葉のさまざまな形質(水分含量,固さ,面積あたりの乾重量,総フェノール量,縮合タンニン量,窒素量,炭素量,炭素/窒素[C/N])も同時に調べた.構造方程式モデル解析を行った結果,幼虫の体重に影響を与えている因子としてはC/Nが最も重要であり,樹木が置かれた光環境が明るいほど葉のC/Nが大きいことが示された.結論として,光環境は葉のC/Nに強く作用し,そのC/Nを介してクスサン幼虫の体重に大きな影響を与えていた.本研究は,ウダイカンバ林施業管理において植食者被害を減らすためには,樹冠をより明るく保つことが重要なことを示唆している.



種類: 短報/Forest Health

Title: Breeding site segregation and Dutch elm disease fungi carriage percentage of three bark beetle species (Scolytus esuriensS. chikisanii, and S. japonicus) in a Japanese elm tree in Hokkaido, Japan

巻頁: J For Res 30 (1): 73-77

題名: 日本の北海道において3種の樹皮下穿孔性キクイムシ(ニレノオオキクイムシ,ニレノキクイムシ,ニホンキクイムシ)が繁殖に利用するハルニレの部位の違いとニレ類立枯病菌の保有率

著者: 八巻岳利,宮本敏澄,升屋勇人,斎藤秀之,澁谷正人

所属: 北海道大学大学院農学院

抄録: 近年,我が国においてニレ類立枯病のベクターとして3種のキクイムシ,すなわちニレノオオキクイムシ,ニレノキクイムシ,およびニホンキクイムシが存在することが報告されている.しかし,これらのキクイムシが産卵や蛹室形成に利用するハルニレの枝や幹の繁殖部位,およびニレ類立枯病菌の保有率との関係について詳しくは明らかにされていなかった.そこで,本研究ではこれら3種のキクイムシが1本のハルニレの枝や幹において,産卵のための母孔を掘った位置の直径,蛹室を形成した位置の直径,蛹室の樹皮表面からの深さ,キクイムシ成虫の個体ごとのニレ類立枯病菌の保有について調べた.その結果,ニレノオオキクイムシの母抗が位置する枝や幹の直径は11.0 – 25.6 cm,ニレノキクイムシは8.3 – 23.3 cm,ニホンキクイムシは1.3 – 3.2 cmであった.したがって,この3種は枝や幹の直径によって繁殖に利用する部位が分かれていた.母孔を掘った位置の直径と蛹室を形成した位置の直径はほぼ等しく,蛹室の樹皮表面からの深さは枝や幹の直径の増加に伴って深くなっていた.菌の保有率については,ニレノオオキクイムシが90.2%,ニレノキクイムシが66.7%,ニホンキクイムシが40.0%であった.蛹室を形成した位置の直径,および蛹室の樹皮表面からの深さの増加に伴って菌保有率は増加する傾向が認められた.以上より,キクイムシが種ごとに繁殖に利用する枝や幹の太さが異なることで,蛹室の樹皮表面からの深さが異なり,それによる蛹室内の水分環境等の違いが菌保有率に影響すると考えられた.

